Data Center Facilities and HVAC Design

A Road to Become a Certified Data Professional in Open-source Software (CDPOS)

Module 1
Big Data and Open-source Fundamentals Certification (1-day)


This qualification is intended for an individual who aspires to improve the data literacy through skill-up the digital competence. It is also highly relevant to other key staff involved in the requirements input, design, development, delivery and ultimate use of the digital initiatives including data consumer, digital initiatives decision maker, business analyst, and operational line managers / staff.

Big Data and Open-source Fundamentals Certification (1-day)

Big Data Analytics

  • The foundation concept of big data
  • How big data impacts the business world today
  • Analytics capabilities: Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive & Prescriptive from the big data angle

Open-source Software

  • Introduction to the open-source technologies and the development
  • The top projects from the worldˇ¦s popular open-source software foundations such as Apache, Linux and Python
  • How open-source technologies become the trend to drive innovation and being the most critical part of enriching big data analytics

Data Visualisation

  • Design concept and feature of data visualisation
  • The introduction of Apache Superset, a user-friendly data visualisation tool that is essential to most of the data users today

Certified Skills

  • Describe the new best-practice to use in a big data analytics environment and how big data impacts the technology ecosystem
  • Explain why and how the open-source movement impacts the technology ecosystem
  • Explain the key factors to identify and use different data visualisation technology to communicate data in contex


Registration Details

Course Dates

Big Data and Open-source Fundamentals Certification
Exact schedule to be announced very soon (1-day)

Language Cantonese (with English course materials)
Time 10:00 am ~ 5:30 pm
Venue To be announced very soon
Target Audience Business owners, Executive Management, Data Center Operators, System / IT Consultants, etc.

Suitable for anyone who is interested to learn from scratch in big data and
the value of open source technology in today's data driven world. No pre- requisite, IT or technical background required.
Fee (per course)

To be announced

Enrollment Online Registration or Download Application Form

The course is supported by the IOT HK Association (IOTHK). Completion Certificate will be granted by the association.

Exam (Optional)

Participants may choose to complete 40 Multiple Choices within 60 minutes in an approved examination center for CDPOS which stands for "Certified Data Professional in Open-source Software".

Examiness who pass the CDPOS examination will be awarded the certificate marked with "POWERED BY APACHE". Additional fee is required. The 1-day course does not cover the examination.

Complete Additional Modules Below & Get Role-Based Certifications

  • 1 more module to become CDPOS Data Citizen

    (Module 2) Data Visualisation Essentials Certification
  • 2 more modules to become CDPOS Citizen Data Scientist

    (Module 2) Data Visualisation Essentials Certification
    (Module 3) Data Analytics Essentials Certification
  • 3 more modules to become CDPOS Advanced Citizen Data Scientist

    (Module 2) Data Visualisation Essentials Certification
    (Module 3) Data Analytics Essentials Certification
    (Module 4) Python for Big Data Analytics Certification

For the certification details, please visit

Should you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact (852) 2117 3893 / Kindly visit our website ( for other technical training seminars.

Experienced Speaker

All courses are conducted by a professional and experienced speaker who helps you to approach the best practices in AI and Machine Learning

Mr. Patrick Tsoi

Patrick has 20+ years in the IT training field. His work includes complex projects applying data science, and software development to different aspects of value chains as well as participating with research teams, on field such as Finance, Data Science and Quantitative Analysis. He has extensive experience in designing and building big data solutions and enterprise applications. He holds Master's degree in IT Education from University of Hong Kong, and Bachelor's degree in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management from Chinese University of Hong Kong.

As a CDPOS projects trainer, Patrick, who also works as a part-time lecturer for various IT degree courses in CityU SCOPE, is now studying Doctor of Education in Hong Kong Baptist University.

For detailed profile of our instructor team, please visit

About the Organizer

Strategic Media Asia Limited (SMA) -
Connecting IT, Critical Facilities and Design

SMA is one of the approved CPD Course Providers of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) UK. The mission is to provide an interactive environment and opportunities for the members of IT, critical facilities and building services engineers to exchange professional views and experience.


- Data Center / Critical Facilities Design & Infrastructure Engineering (2-day)
- Air Conditioning System Design for Critical Infrastructure / Data Center (2-day)
- Electrical Design for Mission Critical Supply (2-day)
- Project Management for Critical Facilities: From Design to Commissioning (2-day)

Further to the critical infrastructure courses mentioned, SMA forms strategic partnership with the IOT HK Association and the Shenzhen Big Data Industry Association (International Hong Kong Branch) for the expansion of service portifolio and training programs in: -

- Big Data;
- Internet of Things (IoT);
- Blockchain Technology; and
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning

For details, please visit our website (

Knowledge Blog & Community

Join our community and visit the knowledge blog featuring critical facilities and data center design considerations, energy saving and efficiency management.

SMA @ Facebook SMA @ Twitter SMA @ Linkedin SMA @ Blogger

© Strategic Media Asia Limited - Connecting IT, Facilities and Design

T (852) 2117 3893 | F (852) 2184 9978 |
Rm 1350, 13th Floor, Eton Tower, 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong